CLIENT: Michael Bay / Paramount Pictures
PROJECT: Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon (2011)
WORK: Graphic design for nearly every printed element seen on sets and vehicles, including signage, building directory graphics, storefronts, public transit, commuter trains, armored cars, police vehicles, Chernobyl buildings, NASA set graphics, US military vehicles, and more. These screen grabs represent only a fraction of the graphics that were produced.
*All images © Paramount Pictures unless otherwise indicated.

Pre-visulization by art director. All signage seen and unseen, including street-level sale banners had to be produced from scratch.

Actual location in Detroit getting dressed.

Dressed further.

Liquorama set in action.

All Russian language signage was produced from scratch according to the production designer's specifications.

All Russian language signage was produced from scratch according to the production designer's specifications.


Train cars needed to look like the Chicago Metra commuter trains.

Train cars needed to look like the Chicago Metra commuter trains.

One of dozens of vehicles that required unique graphics.

Designed storefronts for an entire city square, including sale posters.

The following design for the US Air Force Osprey went into extreme detail.

My skills have expanded and improved in the years following this production, and I would love to talk with you about helping make yours excellent. Thanks for looking at my work.

Cutting templates for the Liquorama store shots.
Photo: Sue Lott
Photo: Sue Lott

Credited as 'Matt Richards'.